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The student news site of Spring Hill High School


The student news site of Spring Hill High School


Taylor Dent

Taylor Dent, Stampede Editor in Chief

HI! My name is Taylor Dent, and this is my senior year. This is my second year in SPUB, and my first as Editor-in-Chief. In addition to being part of SPUB, I am involved with the Thespian Society, Student Council, and Scholars Bowl. I am looking very forward to seeing what this year has to offer, and to continue producing quality content for our lovely website! 

All content by Taylor Dent
The Apparel Productions class is hard at work making washable, reusable menstrual pads for girls in Africa who do not have access to the products they need (photo credit T. Dent).

Apparel Productions Gives Back Globally

Taylor Dent, Stampede Editor in Chief
April 26, 2021
Eleanor Holmes-Norton, delegate to Congress, speaks at a news conference held just before the House vote (photo courtesy AP News).

D.C. Statehood Bill Passes in House

Taylor Dent, Stampede Editor in Chief
April 23, 2021
The Second Amendment, written verbatim in a Government textbook. People use these lines as a way to avoid hard discussions about things that they enjoy, and that's a problem (photo credit T. Dent).

Shots Fired

Taylor Dent, Stampede Editor in Chief
April 16, 2021
A crowd of citizens forms in remembrance of Daunte Wright after the shooting (photo curtsey AP News).

Black Man Dies in Minnesota Traffic Stop

Taylor Dent, Stampede Editor in Chief
April 12, 2021
"The Pandemic Project" is the theater department's unorthodox spring production. Part one was performed March 31 and April 1, and part two will be performed April 9-10 (photo credit T. Dent).

“The Pandemic Project” Review

Taylor Dent, Stampede Editor in Chief
April 1, 2021
A Dominion Voting machine in Atlanta, one of many across the nation that helped tally votes for the 2020 presidential election. After multiple claims of election fraud from Fox News, Dominion is suing them for defamation (photo courtesy AP News).

Fox News Sued for Defamation

Taylor Dent, Stampede Editor in Chief
March 26, 2021
The Class of 2021 is getting more burnt out by the day, and I think that we're all counting down the minutes until graduation. But the thing is...that's totally okay (photo credit G. Roberts).

Just a Little Bit Longer

Taylor Dent, Stampede Editor in Chief
March 26, 2021
Sesame Workshop has introduced two new muppets as part of an effort to help educate young kids about race and racial identity (photo courtesy AP News).

“Sesame Street” Unveils New Muppets

Taylor Dent, Stampede Editor in Chief
March 24, 2021
The Maroon Bells in Colorado are just one of the many beautiful places people can visit for a vacation while ensuring their safety (and the safety of others). Even though more and more people are getting vaccinated every day, it is important to remember that we are not back to normal just yet (photo by L. Kuhn).

Staying Safe and Having Fun

Taylor Dent, Stampede Editor in Chief
March 12, 2021
Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., right, with Senate House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif., left, and Sen. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y. These representatives helped pass the Equality Act, which aims to lower discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation (photo courtesy AP News).

House of Representatives Passes Equality Act

Taylor Dent, Stampede Editor in Chief
February 26, 2021
People, like teabags, can only become stronger when placed in hot water. Some will come out sharp and strong, but others don't allow themselves to steep long enough before they are begging to be brought out (photo credit T. Dent).

Make Choices, Not Demands

Taylor Dent, Stampede Editor in Chief
January 26, 2021
Nataly Kingston, middle schooler, Peyton Buscher, 10, and Payton Vogelbacher, 10, protest at the Jan. 25 Board of Education meeting. These students, along with several others, hoped to convince the board to abolish the gating criteria (photo submitted by P. Buscher).

Board of Education Abolishes Gating Criteria

Taylor Dent, Stampede Editor in Chief
January 26, 2021
I've been staying safe and doing the right thing for the last 10 months now. To be honest, I'm a little tired of most people not getting the memo (photo credit T. Dent).

Let’s Talk

Taylor Dent, Stampede Editor in Chief
January 14, 2021
On Jan. 6, a man yells at a Capitol police officer stopping him from forcefully entering the Senate chamber. This man is one of hundreds that stormed the Capitol, hoping to disrupt the vote count that would certify President-elect Joe Biden's victory (photo courtesy AP News).

Unrest in D.C.: An Overview

Taylor Dent, Stampede Editor in Chief
January 7, 2021
The head office of the Russian Olympic Committee in 2017. Russia now faces restrictions in participation in the next two Olympics (photo courtesy AP News).

Russia Faces Restrictions at Olympic Games

Taylor Dent, Stampede Editor in Chief
December 17, 2020
On Feb. 28, 2020 the Boys Varsity basketball team cheered after a basket was made. This season, however, they won't be bolstered with the same level of cheers from the crowd (photo credit O. Lawson).

KSHSAA Limits Winter Sports Spectators

Taylor Dent, Stampede Editor in Chief
December 10, 2020
When a student gets a notice that they must quarantine due to COVID-19 exposure, they often don't think of all the work that has gone into that decision. Two of the people responsible for contact tracing at the high school laid out the entire process, which is more involved than some may think (design credit O. Leblanc).

The Ins and Outs of Contact Tracing

Taylor Dent, Stampede Editor in Chief
November 20, 2020
Amazon has extended its platform into the world of pharmaceuticals. Patients can now order prescriptions off of the site and have their medicine shipped to their door (photo courtesy AP News).

Amazon Creates Online Pharmacy

Taylor Dent, Stampede Editor in Chief
November 17, 2020
Rudy Giuliani, speaking at a press conference, outlines the legal charges being brought against various states (photo credit AP News).

Trump Campaign Sues States on Allegations of Fraud

Taylor Dent, Stampede Editor in Chief
November 9, 2020
Taken from the USD 230 website, this chart shows the factors that go into deciding modes of learning. Currently, the district is in the yellow zone, making secondary remote and keeping elementary in-person (photo credit T. Dent).

USD 230 Secondary Going Remote

Taylor Dent, Stampede Editor in Chief
November 5, 2020
A blank map of the United States taken from the website 270toWin. This interactive map shows how many electoral votes each state gets, and allows the user to play with different scenarios regarding which candidate wins which state (photo credit T. Dent).

The Electoral College, Explained

Taylor Dent, Stampede Editor in Chief
November 3, 2020
On Nov. 2, Alex Winkler, history teacher, talks to his fourth hour government class about the upcoming presidential election. The class has been following the election and discussing the entire process (photo credit T. Dent).

Government Class in an Election Year

Taylor Dent, Stampede Editor in Chief
November 2, 2020
President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden took the stage again on Oct. 22 for their final presidential debate before Election Day. The debate covered a wide variety of topics, from immigration to the pandemic to climate change (photo courtesy AP News).

2020 Election Update: The Final Debate

Taylor Dent, Stampede Editor in Chief
October 23, 2020
Selections like these are only a portion of what the school district has been offering to students who take advantage of the free meals being offered. Even when everyone returns to the school, they are still guaranteed one free entree (photo by  G. Roberts).

USDA Child Nutrition Waiver, Explained

Taylor Dent, Stampede Editor in Chief
October 19, 2020
As we all return to in-person schooling, I can't help but feel nervous about what's to come. I'm worried that people aren't treating the situation with as much severity as it deserves (photo credit L. Haney).

I’m Begging You

Taylor Dent, Stampede Editor in Chief
October 9, 2020
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage the country, even massive companies like Disney are beginning to feel the effects (photo courtesy AP News).

Disney Parks to Lay Off 28,000 Employees

Taylor Dent, Stampede Editor in Chief
October 2, 2020
Disney’s live-action adaptation of the animated classic “Mulan” is visually stunning, but also quite different from the original (photo courtesy of Disney/AP News).

Mulan: A Shock to the System

Taylor Dent, Stampede Editor in Chief
September 18, 2020
Pre-existing wildfires in California were exacerbated after a gender reveal device caught on fire, quickly spreading to the surrounding area (photo courtesy AP News).

Gender Reveal Device Linked to Wildfire

Taylor Dent, Stampede Editor in Chief
September 7, 2020
Nurses at a California hospital were not being provided with proper masks that could help keep them safe from contracting COVID-19. They are faced with the same problem as healthcare professionals from across the country: dangerous circumstances with improper equipment and compensation (photo courtesy of AP News).

On the Front Lines

Taylor Dent, Staff Writer
April 28, 2020
While many (older) students are upset that they will not be able to participate in their various end-of-year activities, some are only focused on the benefits. “Spring break forever!” was one of the many things my seven-year-old brother yelled as he ran around the house (photo submitted by T. Dent).

Quarantine Qualms

Taylor Dent, Staff Writer
March 20, 2020
In her Honors English Class, Alyssa Anderson, 10, reads “Twelve Angry Men.” The six Kan. state schools have changed the way that they’re doing admissions, and it may affect what classes people choose to take (photo by ADavis).

Qualified Admissions Amendments

Taylor Dent, Staff Writer
February 10, 2020
Trump after being Aquitted by the senate. This is on Feb. 6 in the East Room in the White House (Photo Curtesy of AP Photo and Evan Vucci)

Trump Speaks after being Acquitted

Taylor Dent, Staff Writer
February 7, 2020
In this courtroom sketch, Manhattan Supreme Court Judge James Burke, left, listens to testimony from witness Mimi Haleyi, right, while assistant Assistant District Attorney Megan Hast, standing listens to the testimony. The trail started on Jan. 27 (Photo curtesy of Aggie Kenny via AP).

Trial of Harvey Weinsten starts

Taylor Dent, Staff Writer
January 28, 2020
The cheerleaders lead the crowd in Fight Song before the varsity boys basketball game starts. The boys played on Dec. 13 and lost to Lansing High School (Photo by MSutton)

SHIBT: Traditions and Transitions

Taylor Dent, Staff Writer
January 24, 2020
At the  Novo Ogaryovo residence outside Moscow, Russia, Vadimir Putin disucsses constitutional reform. Many are concerned that he wants to extend his rule over Russia while the plans seem to give more power to parliament (Photo curtesy of Kremlin Pool Photo via AP).

Putin’s Perplexing Political Plan

Taylor Dent, Staff Writer
January 21, 2020
30 SHHS students traveled to Wichita, Kansas to participate in various theatre events at the International Thespian Festival. “We as a group get to spend a lot of quality time together,” said Brett Buffum. (photo by B.Buffum)

Thespians Go to Conference

Taylor Dent, Staff Writer
January 13, 2020
On December 9, StuCo members Meg Putnam, student body president,  12, and Jaden Gallagher, theater rep 12, sell candy canes. "[Winter wishes are a morale thing... it gets you in the holiday spirit," said Putnam (Photo submitted by TDent).

‘Tis the Season

Taylor Dent, Staff Writer
December 9, 2019
Ana Martinez-Gonzalez chops onions in her Culinary Arts class. “My favorite part was the food, and sitting with the family,” said Martinez-Gonzalez (Photo by LGonzalex-Diez).

The Thanksgiving Experience

Taylor Dent, Staff Writer
December 2, 2019
Me and my goofball friends at Five Below.

We are Not Adults

Taylor Dent, Staff Writer
November 22, 2019
On October 8, the Beginning choir, Concert choir, Destiny, and Madrigals sing the Spring Hill High School Alma Mater (photo by RWhite).

More Than Just a Song

Taylor Dent, Staff Writer
October 10, 2019
After being a quarterback and pitcher/centerfielder for MidAmerica Nazarene University Paul Young, history teacher, moved on to teaching. However, he carries his love of sports to this day and still coaches baseball (Photo by TDent).

Athletes Among Us

Taylor Dent, Staff Writer
October 2, 2019
Bronco Raid: Pride Day

Bronco Raid: Pride Day

Taylor Dent, Staff Writer
September 21, 2019
Space Invaders: SyFi Day

Space Invaders: SyFi Day

Taylor Dent, Staff Writer
September 20, 2019
Milky Way Color Blast: Color War

Milky Way Color Blast: Color War

Taylor Dent, Staff Writer
September 19, 2019
On Aug. 30, during the Jamboree game, the student section did their rollercoaster chant. They do several chants to get the student section excited and in turn help the team. (Photo by M.Riddle)

Homecomings old and new

Taylor Dent, Staff Writer
September 18, 2019
PJ Day

PJ Day

Taylor Dent, Staff Writer
September 17, 2019
On September 4, students spend time with friends during a period of free time. Any break from school is always appreciated. (Photo by T.Dent)

What is PLC?

Taylor Dent, Staff Writer
September 10, 2019
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