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The student news site of Spring Hill High School


The student news site of Spring Hill High School


Remi White

Remi White, Bronco EiC

Hey, I’m Remi, I’m a senior, and I’ve spent all four years of high school in SPUB.. I’ve spent three of those years working on the yearbook, and this year I am yearbook editor in chief. Other than working on the yearbook, I am also involved in theater and am a part of the National Honor Society, am section leader of the drum line, PALs, and am the student body president. Also, you might see me working at Subway if you ever go after 5 p.m.. 

Journalism means so much to me as it has the ability to enhance the voices and experiences of people who may not be listened to. My favorite part of the whole writing process is the interview. Even interviews for simple stories can offer an intimate look into someone’s life. This aspect has broadened my horizons so greatly and has changed parts of my outlook on life. I love working on the yearbook because it acts as a time capsule for the year. It acts as not just a written record for the year, but a physical and visual one as well. It’s so much work, and it’s sometimes so tedious, but seeing people’s reactions when they open up their books for the first time makes the whole process worth it.

All content by Remi White

Not as Easy as it Looks

Remi White, Bronco EiC
November 22, 2022
TikTok spreads misinformation to users (photo courtesy  AP News).

TikTok Spreads False Information

Remi White, Bronco EiC
September 14, 2022
I dance to “Unpack Your Adjectives” during the school matinee of SchoolHouse Rock: Live alongside Zachary Bradshaw, 11, Daley Browning, 10, and Isabella Infante, 12. Being on stage allows me to act as flamboyant as I want to without the fear of what people think. I loved my outfit for the show, but I could never wear platform heels and bell bottoms around school. However, I had no fear doing it for the musical (Photo by I. Williams).

Asinine Assumptions

Remi White, Bronco Design Editor
March 3, 2021
Isabella Infante and I would take a picture before every play rehearsal last year. The routine was a way of telling me it was time to get focused.

ADHD and Me

Remi White, Bronco Design Editor
September 22, 2020
In a year marked by disaster, Hurricane Sally making landfall just adds fuel to the flames, with it being the second hurricane to hit the Gulf Coast in three weeks (photo courtesy AP News).

Hurricane Sally Hits Coastline

Remi White, Bronco Design Editor
September 22, 2020
Lily Haney, 9, does math assignments in her room. Her cat, Dino, is one of the distractions that makes it harder for Haney to focus on her work (Photo submitted by L. Haney).

Participation Versus Engagement

Remi White, Staff Writer
April 16, 2020
To meet up but still maintain safety, Olivia Lister, 10, would drive to my house; I would stand six feet away from the car while we talked to maintain safe social distancing. However, due to rising concern for COVID-19, these visits have since stopped (photo submitted by O. Lister).

Fight the COVID Funk

Remi White, Staff Writer
April 8, 2020
During Georann Witman's 4th hour Madrigals class, on April 26, 2019 Avery Copeland, 11, Maya Sosa, 11, and Abby Waltrip, 11, rehearse their parts for the opening number. Their concert was on May 9th, 2019 (photo by A. Mattox).

Better is Peace

Remi White, Staff Writer
February 20, 2020
The combined Bronco choirs sing “Peace, Peace,” one of the many traditions for the winter concert. Alumni were also welcome to sing as well (Photo by RWhite).

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Remi White, Staff Writer
December 13, 2019
On Jan. 31, of last year, Raegan Stinemetz, 12, wrestles a girls from Fort Scott. Stinemetz is wrestling again this year (Photo by MRiddle).

Giving the Girls a Chance

Remi White, Staff Writer
December 5, 2019
Trumpet players Emily Gehlen, 9, and Gillian King, 9, warming up before their first hour band class, on Dec. 4. They will preform with the band at their concert, Dec. 12 (Photo by R. White)

From Marching Band to Concert Band

Remi White, Staff Writer
December 4, 2019
Alex Wai, the vice president of the Polytechnic University, taking in the vandalized school. He’s leading a team of officials to look for holed up protesters (Photo Courtesy of the Associated Press).

Hong Kong Protests Run Down

Remi White, Staff Writer
November 26, 2019
A picture from the bus ride of my second and last meet. The bus rides were sometimes the best part of a meet (Photo submitted by RWhite).

My Freshmen Stress Story

Remi White, Staff Writer
November 19, 2019
Logan Smoot, 12, Christian Carpenter, 12, and Makayla Popovitch, 11, play trumpet in the jazz band. Due to the lack of trombones, they may have to play the trombone part (Photo by J. Haworth).

Trombone Troubles

Remi White, Staff Writer
November 5, 2019
Makayla Kutts does a lot of things throughout the her high school career. She joined SADD her junior year    
(Photo Curtesy of the Cheer Team's Instagram).

Mad For SADD

Remi White, Staff Writer
November 1, 2019
On Oct. 24, Emily Wilcox, 10, and Raeleigh Bishop, 10 , walk to take their PACT. Both the sophomores and the freshmen had to take the PACT (Photo by HSmith).

Freshmen Take On the Pre-ACT

Remi White, Staff Writer
October 24, 2019
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